Tuesday, 18 February 2014

What Wes had to say...



  1. He sole from me in the fall of 2012. Fortunately I got everything back. I'm so sorry he harmed others. I'm glad to know the thief is in jail.

  2. Thank you for getting this man off the street and protecting other women.

  3. I also got scammed by Wes about 14 years ago in Kamloops. He had just gotten back from Mexico and had stolen stuff from two girls (he said they had taken some of his stuff which I doubt was true). He asked me to cash some cheques for him (which I foolishly did) and when my bank and I found out they were fraudulent the police thought "I" was involved in the scam! I had to pay my bank back and it was so embarrassing and horrible! I filed a police report but they did not charge him with anything. He also stole items from my house. This guy is a predator.
